Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
[1] Dietzmann, C. ; Heines, R. ; Alt, R. (2020): The Convergence of Distributed Ledger Technology and Artificial Intelligence: An end-to-end Reference Lending Process for Financial Services
[2] Swan, M. (2015): Blockchain Blueprint for a new economy
[3] Mainelli, M.; Milne, A. (2016): The impact and potential of blockchain on the securities transaction lifecycle
[4] Nakamoto, S. (2008): Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system
[5] Antonopoulos, A. (2018): Mastering Ethereum Implementing Digital Contracts
Bild: https://blog.novatrend.ch/2017/12/25/zentrale-dezentrale-und-verteilte-systeme/
DLT represent a new form of a decentralized database with the ability to establish trust among participants without the necessity of a third-party [2]. Trust in this ledger shifts towards multiple copies and with a reasonable large network ensures safety against corrupted and manipulated information. Consequently, a central authority storing transactional data is not required anymore. However, an additional and independent mechanism is needed to govern which transactions should be executed and stored. Technical-wise, it must be defined which systemic truth is eventually propagated in the network, the so-called consensus [3]. One concept establishing trust among unknown participants was implemented in the Bitcoin protocol [4]. In fact, it was the first functional solution that enabled a fully public permission-less distributed ledger [1].
Consequently, the basic concept relates to four main pillars which unified years of research [5]:
Peer-to-peer network: The architecture enables the database structure for a distributed ledger
Transaction logic: Cryptographic methods and digital signatures are used to secure and validate the transactions process between unknown participants
Immutability of data: The ledger entails consecutive data blocks representing transactions with cryptographically methods stored, interlinked to prior data within a chain
Consensus mechanism: An algorithm ensures a by all users agreed single true systemic state of the network to synchronize the shared ledger